As if you didn’t have enough to worry about when you’re traveling, you also need to be mindful about what types of items you can or cannot pack.
You need to pay attention to weight and dimension restrictions of your baggage, but you also need to be aware of items that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has allowed or prohibited because of possible security and safety risks.

There’s more leeway about what you can pack in your checked luggage, but aside from the obvious (i.e., loaded firearms), there are items that you are not allowed to take into a plane’s cabin, like any kind of pocket knife, for example.
Can you Bring Tweezers On A Plane?
Perhaps you’ve been stopped while going through a TSA checkpoint in the past and been asked to remove an item from your carry-on bag, like a pocket knife or long scissors. So you might wonder if you can bring items like tweezers onto the plane with you.
Yes, tweezers, small scissors, and shaving razors are allowed in the cabins of commercial airlines in your carry-ons., in your cabin bag. Scissors with edges less than four inches long are also allowed. Just make sure sharp items are encased or sheathed somehow.
Note that you are not allowed to bring loose razor blades onboard, so if you are traveling with such items, be sure to pack them in your checked baggage.
Can Tweezers Go In a Carry-on Bag?
Tweezers are definitely among the unrestricted items allowed in travelers’ carry-on baggage, along with items like knitting and sewing needles, crochet hooks, pencil sharpeners, shaving razors, nail clippers, small scissors (less than four inches in length from the hinge point), and lock picks. Make sure any sharp items you’re traveling with are in a case or sheath of some kind.
You can pack your cigar cutter when you travel, but it’s recommended that you pack those in your checked baggage.
Can You Bring Nail Clippers on a Plane?
Nail clippers are unrestricted travel items that you can confidently pack in your carry-on luggage, along with personal items like tweezers, shaving razors, pencil sharpeners, sewing and knitting needles, crochet hooks, lock picks, and scissors measuring less than four inches from their hinge point.
Technically, sharp objects that are allowed in a plane’s cabin (and in checked bags) need to be wrapped, encased, or somehow sheathed.
Loose razor blades are prohibited from your carry-on bags. Also, if you’re traveling with a cigar cutter, it’s a good idea to pack it in your checked baggage, as they can potentially be prohibited from the plane’s cabin.
Related: Can you Bring Rocks On A Plane?
Can You Bring Razors on a Plane?
Shaving razors and disposable razors are allowable items for your carry-on baggage. You may also carry other personal items like nail clippers, tweezers, lock picks, crochet hooks, pencil sharpeners, sewing and knitting needles, and scissors less than four inches from the hinge point. You should encase sharp objects you’re traveling with (onboard or in checked bags) in a carrying case, sheath, or other sort of wrapping.
You should consider packing any cigar cutters you might be traveling with in your checked bags, as they can potentially be deemed unsafe to take onboard. Loose razor blades are definitely not allowed in your carry-ons.
Can I Take Nail Clippers on a Plane?
Nail clippers are allowed in your carry-ons, along with other items such as pencil sharpeners, tweezers, shaving razors (no loose razor blades, however), crochet hooks, sewing and knitting needles, lock picks, and short scissors (less than four inches from the hinge point). Be sure sharp items in your baggage are encased, wrapped, or sheathed somehow.
How To Pack Your Tweezers
Technically, any and all sharp objects you pack, whether checked or carry-on, need to be wrapped or sheathed. If you’re packing items like tweezers or nail clippers, it’s a good idea to make sure they’re contained within some sort of casing or wrapping. You may not be asked to wrap or encase allowable sharp items in your bags, but in order to avoid any travel delays, you may want to do so ahead of time.
Can You Bring Sharp Tweezers on a Plane?
Tweezers are allowed in your carry-on baggage, regardless of type. Just be sure to have them packed in a case or sheath of some kind, even if you pack them in your checked bags.
International vs. Domestic Flights
Rules regarding domestic vs. international flights for personal items that happen to be sharp are similar. Items like tweezers, razors, small scissors (shorter than four inches from the hinge point), knitting needles, pencil sharpeners, etc., are allowed in your carry-on baggage, regardless of type. You’ll want to pack them in some sort of casing or sheathing, even if packed in your checked baggage.
Are All Types of Tweezers Allowed in Your Carry-on Hand Luggage?
Yes, personal grooming items like tweezers are allowed in your carry-on baggage regardless of what type they are (excluding items deemed dangerous, like loose razor blades and pocket knives). Whether you pack them in your carry-on or in your checked bags, make sure they are wrapped or packed in a case or sheath of some kind.
Does the Type of Tweezers You Want to Bring on a Plane Matter?
No, the type of tweezers you decide to pack in your carry-on item is not important, regardless of size or sharpness, since tweezers are considered personal grooming items. To avoid travel delays, it’s recommended that any sharp items, especially those you are traveling with onboard the plane, are wrapped, encased, or sheathed for safety purposes.
Can You Bring Your Manicure Set on the Plane?
Your airline will have specific instructions on how to pack your carry-on baggage when you check in, but the TSA does not restrict manicure sets on planes, so feel free to bring yours with you.
TSA Sharp Objects Rule
TSA officers have the discretion to prohibit any item through the screening checkpoint. Any sharp objects should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors at the screening checkpoint. TSA officers have the discretion to prohibit any item through the screening checkpoint.
So, Can you Bring Tweezers On A Plane?
Yes, you may certainly pack items like tweezers, shaving razors, and small scissors in your carry-on bags (scissors should measure four inches or less from their hinge point). Just be sure to pack pocket knives, loose razor blades, cigar cutters, and other items deemed a safety concern by the TSA into your checked bags, or just leave them at home. It’s also recommended that allowable sharp items you’re traveling with be wrapped or sheathed for safety reasons, whether or not you pack them in your carry-on bag or checked luggage.