How Strict Is JetBlue Airways With Carry-On & Personal Item Size? – If you’re considering flying JetBlue, you might be curious about how strict the airline is about passenger luggage size restrictions for carry-on and personal items.

I’ll fill you in on JetBlue’s current rules and regulations, answer common questions I often hear, and offer you links to additional relevant and important information.
This great carry-on bag is for travelers that want to get the best value out of their luggage investment.
This Travel Pro bag could be the last carry-on bag you ever purchase!
How Strict is JetBlue Airways With Its Carry-on Luggage Policies?
So, just how strict is JetBlue Airways with carry-on item restrictions?
The carrier is not nearly as concerned with luggage weight as it is with the size of your luggage, particularly your carry-on item. JetBlue is known for being quite strict with passenger baggage size. If any of your bags happen to be deemed oversized, there’s a very good chance you’ll end up paying additional fees, especially if you’re on a very full flight.
JetBlue, like other carriers, implements its own policies, taking into account Travel Safety Administration (TSA) requirements.
JetBlue passengers are each allowed one carry-on bag and one personal item (purse, small backpack, briefcase, laptop, etc.) on board. Carry-on items have size restrictions, but typically not weight restrictions, and they are stowed in the luggage bins overhead of the passenger seats.
Personal items typically are stowed underneath the seat of each passenger, though they may need to go in the overhead bin, as well.
Including handles and wheels, your carry-on luggage on JetBlue flights are not to exceed:
22″ L (55.88 cm) x 14″ W (35.56 cm) x 9″ H (22.86 cm), OR 45 total linear inches/114 linear cm.
Carry-on items any larger than these dimensions will need to be checked, even if at the gate during boarding.
Personal carry-on items cannot exceed 17″ L (43.2 cm) x 13″ W (33 cm) x 8″ H (20.32 cm), and need to be able to fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.
JetBlue does not currently impose weight restrictions for passenger carry-on bags. Carry-on items need to be able to be lifted into the overhead bin without assistance if the item does not fit beneath the seat in front of you.
Bags that don’t fit under the seat in front of you will need to be checked before you go through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security checkpoint. Carry-on bags brought to your boarding gate will be checked for a $65 fee (if it is your 1st or 2nd checked bag) or $180 if it is your 3rd checked bag.
Note that JetBlue Blue Basic fare passengers are allowed a personal item to be brought on-board, but not a carry-on bag. There are some exceptions to this rule (minors traveling alone, active U.S. military members, Mosaic customers, Even More Space seat holders, etc.).
Take some preemptive cautionary steps beforehand and invest in some JetBlue-compliant carry-on luggage so that you can travel with peace of mind.
How Can I Measure My Carry-on Bag to Make Sure It Fits on a JetBlue Airways Flight?
To help you verify your baggage conforms with JetBlue carry-on size restrictions, the carrier recommends taking note of bag sizers at airport locations that feature its required 22″ x 14″ x 9″ dimensions.
It’s also a good idea to measure your carry-on bag before you leave for the airport to ensure that your entire bag, along with the wheels and handles, falls within JetBlue size requirements.
It’s important to remember that the three dimensional measurements together – length + width + height – cannot add up to more than 45 linear inches/114 linear cm.
If you happen to be traveling with a soft-sided or expandable suitcase, you may want to measure your carry-on again after it’s packed to ensure it still complies.
My JetBlue-compliant Luggage Recommendations
Need a recommendation for carry-on luggage I would recommend for flying with JetBlue Airways? I personally swear by the following JetBlue-compliant carry-on luggage bags because of the carrier’s strictness with its carry-on size policies.
This is a great carry-on bag if you’re looking to get lasting value out of your travel baggage investment.
This Travel Pro bag is one you’ll fall in love with (like I did!), and it could end up becoming the very last carry-on bag you’ll ever purchase!
JetBlue Airways’ Carry-on Luggage Allowance
Almost all JetBlue Airways passengers are allowed to each bring one carry-on item and one personal item on board its flights. With some exceptions, Basic Blue passengers are allowed a personal item but no carry-on.
If your carry-on bag has been deemed to be in excess of baggage dimension requirements (it should be able to fit in an overhead luggage bin or underneath the seat in front of you), you will likely have to check it for a fee ($65 if it’s your first or 2nd checked bag, and $150 if it’s your 3rd checked bag).
Bringing Carry-on Liquid Items Onto JetBlue Airways Flights
You are allowed to bring liquid items onboard JetBlue flights in accordance with TSA regulations, as long as they make it through TSA security checkpoints.
Liquid items in question include your toiletries and all other liquids and creams you may want to pack along. The TSA allows containers/bottles with no more than 3.4 fl. oz. / 100 fl. ml.
These liquid toiletries/items also need to be packed neatly into a re-sealable clear Ziploc-style plastic baggie, like these gallon size baggies. Your baggie can’t be any larger than 7.8 x 7.8 inches (20 x 20 centimeters).
You’ll find plenty more information here on our TravelontheFly site about what items you are and aren’t allowed to bring on a plane with you.
You can also verify these requirements on the TSA’s website.
How Strict Is JetBlue With Your Carry-on Size?
JetBlue Airways is known among travelers to be quite strict about their carry-on baggage size/weight policies, but you shouldn’t have to worry about anything as long as your item(s) fit in the overhead bin above you or underneath the seat in front of you.
To make your flight as worry-free as possible, I’d suggest complying with the airline’s policies. If you need a new carry-on bag that will fit JetBlue’s (and other carriers’) size policies, get this bag and never even think about it again.
How Strict Is JetBlue Airways With Your Carry-on Baggage Weight?
Most airlines, including JetBlue, are not concerned with carry-on/personal item weight, but carry-on items should be able to be stowed comfortably in the appropriate spaces. Meeting the size dimensions of your carry-on bags I mentioned above should cover all your bases.
Should I Risk Flying on JetBlue Airlines With an Oversized Carry-on?
Should you risk trying to get a slightly larger carry-on bag onboard a JetBlue Flight? I’d have to agree with most seasoned travelers and ask you, “Why even risk it?” Keep in mind that if your bag is only slightly larger than JetBlue’s specified size requirements, you’ll likely be OK.
Worst-case scenario, if your carry-on is deemed oversized, is that you will have to check your bag for $65 (for your 1st or 2nd carry-on, and $150 for your 3rd checked bag). If your checked bag weighs more than 50 pounds, you will have to pay an additional overweight bag fee of $150.
PRO TIP – You have a better chance of getting away with a slightly larger piece of luggage if your carry-on is soft-sided. That‘s why I have highlighted and pointed you toward soft-sided bags like this one here. They are a little easier to squeeze into tight spots, including into the overhead bins on a plane!
JetBlue Airways Checked Baggage Fees
Checked bag fees for JetBlue flights start at $35, and at $45 for the 2nd checked bag.
I travel with a bag that is slightly larger than many airline regulations and I have never been asked to check it. I can’t guarantee that you won’t be asked to.
Your best bet is to travel with baggage that is within JetBlue’s size and weight policies, and then you will never have to worry about it!
You can read more about JetBlue Airways’ checked bag policies here, as you’re preparing for a specific upcoming flight.
Where Can I Find a Quality Travel Bag That’s Within JetBlue Airways’ Carry-on Luggage Limits?
I highly recommend this great carry-on bag that is a great value for the money.
And this Travel Pro bag is perfect, even for the most finicky travelers.
How Strict Is JetBlue Airways With Its “One Personal Item” Policy?
JetBlue Airways, especially because of its competitive airfares, is considered to be one of the stricter airlines in operation today in regard to baggage sizes and weights–especially for full flights.
One small personal item is allowed per passenger (e.g., purse, handbag, briefcase, laptop bag, backpack, and medically necessary items). As long as your personal item can easily be carried and stored underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead luggage bin, JetBlue representatives likely won’t ask to verify its size.
JetBlue Airways’ Personal Item Policy
Your personal item ( e.g., purse, shoulder bag, backpack, diaper bag, etc.) must fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin above. Read more about personal items on JetBlue flights here.
Carrying Additional Items Onto JetBlue Airways Flights
In addition to your carry-on bag and personal item onboard JetBlue flights, you are also allowed to bring small items, such as a jacket/sweatshirt, blanket, umbrella, book, duty-free items, a reasonably sized stuffed animal, food/drink purchased past the security checkpoint, crutches, strollers, camera, etc.
These won’t count as personal items unless they’re larger things that take up space overhead or underneath a seat, like purses, shoulder bags, backpacks, briefcases, large camera cases, etc.
Is the First Checked Bag Free on JetBlue Flights?
JetBlue Airways checked bag fees depend on where you’re flying from and to. Checked bag fees start at $35 for the first bag and $45 for the 2nd bag. As with all airlines, certain fares and memberships/cardholders are entitled to the first and 2nd checked bags for free.
Checked bags cannot exceed 62” (157 cm) in linear inches/cm (length + width + height) or 50 pounds (23 kg) in weight.
Note that any bag that exceeds these requirements will be considered oversized and possibly overweight as well, and fees will apply as needed for size and weight.
In other words, if your bag is overweight AND oversized, the overweight fee ($150 USD) and the oversized fee ($150 USD) will be assessed. Neither bags in excess of 80 total linear inches (203 cm) nor bags weighing more than 99 lbs (44 kg) will be accepted.
Read more about JetBlue Airways’ checked bag policy here.
So, How Strict is JetBlue Airways About Carry-on and Personal Items?
JetBlue passengers are each allowed to take one carry-on bag and one personal item on board its flights, in accordance with TSA regulations (There are some exceptions, but Blue Basic fare passengers are allowed a personal item, but no carry-on bag).
Both your carry-on bag and your personal item should be able to fit in an overhead luggage bin, or one of them should be able to fit underneath the seat in front of you. Invest in carry-on baggage that complies with JetBlue regulations, like this one.
In case you choose to take this risk with JetBlue Airways by bringing a larger bag, be sure to at least use a soft-sided bag so you’ll be able to better navigate it into a tight space. If your carry-on or personal item is deemed to be “oversized,” you could be charged a bag check-in fee of $65 (if it is your 1st or 2nd checked bag), or $180 if it is your 3rd checked bag.