This one has some fun riddles and trivia facts around “What animal has two feet but can’t walk?” Check em all out below. Some are funny, and some are thought provoking.

“What can’t walk” Jokes
Q: What animal has two feet but can’t walk?
A: A 24-inch snake.
A snake that measures 24 inches has two feet. But they aren’t the feet you walk on, they are the feet you measure with.
Q: What has two feet but can’t walk?
A: A yardstick.
A yardstick has two feet. They actually have three in them. But they aren’t the feet you walk on, they are the ones you measure with.
What has two legs but can’t walk?
A: A Ladder
A ladder cannot walk as it has two legs that support the rungs and assist us in climbing, but ladders cannot walk as they are inanimate objects.
Other possible answers include: a chair, stool, bench, a table, a pair of pants, a race.
Related: Riddle: The More You Take, The More You Leave Behind.
Real Facts: What really does have two legs but can’t or doesn’t walk?
_ Hummingbirds have legs but cannot walk on them. Unlike robins, they do not scurry around looking for food on the ground. They’re not made for walking! Their legs are barely functional. Those tiny feet can grab hold of very small branches or perches on nectar feeders. But otherwise, they are flying. Hovering, flying backward, and flying sideways are normal behaviors for these tiny creatures. The smaller feet of these birds help them fly more efficiently. They do use their feet for preening and itching, as well.
_ Bats (except for two species) are another animal that cannot walk. Their only option is to drag themselves on the ground using their front legs. The legs of most bats are primarily for flying or hanging upside down, not for walking.
_ Loons, Grebes, and Swifts do not walk. As their legs are located toward the back of their bodies, it is physically impossible for them to perform this action. Many newts as well.
_ Some marine mammals like whales
_ Kangaroos are four-legged creatures, but they do not walk! Their hind legs are powerful, allowing them to jump or hop, while their front legs provide balance and grasping. Walking is not in their nature, as they were made to be efficient jumpers.
_ Sparrows, with their two legs, may appear capable of walking, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one walking. Unlike other birds that scurry around looking for food, sparrows perch on branches and use their feet to grip while they hop or fly. Their feet are designed for gripping, not for walking.
_ Kingfishers have two feet, but they don’t use them for walking. These birds are adapted for diving into water to catch fish and are not made for walking on land. They perch on branches and fly, using their feet for perching and gripping but not for walking.
_ Other types of birds
Basically, vestiges are the parts and pieces of an animal that once served a purpose, but over time have become useless due to evolution. Usually, they tend to be small, functionless nubs or internal organs.
The bones of what appears to be a tibia and femur can be found inside and close to the whales’ tails, as shown below. Evolution has worn the bones away, leaving them appearing shriveled and worn.
Other animals that use their legs in creative ways
animals that have legs but cannot walk and the various ways in which they have adapted to move and survive in their environments.
_ Sloths are mammals with four legs, but they are not known for their mobility on land. They spend most of their time hanging upside down from tree branches and move slowly when they do come down to the ground.
_ Flying squirrels are small rodents known for their ability to glide through the air using a “patagium,” a stretch of skin extending from their front legs to their hind legs. They do not walk on all fours but instead use their legs for grasping and gliding.
_ Snails and slugs – These mollusks have a muscular foot that they use to move slowly and smoothly on the ground, but they do not walk in the traditional sense.
_ Starfish have five legs but do not walk. They move by using their legs to create a water vacuum that propels them forward.
_ Clams have a muscular foot that they use to burrow into the sand, but they do not walk.
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“What doesn’t walk” jokes
Q: What animal has two feet but doesn’t walk?
A: A 24-inch snake.
A snake that measures 24 inches has two feet. But they aren’t the feet you walk on, they are the feet you measure with.
Q: What has two feet but doesn’t walk?
A: A yardstick.
A yardstick has two feet. They actually have three in them. But they aren’t the feet you walk on, they are the ones you measure with.
What has two legs but doesn’t walk?
A: A Ladder
A ladder cannot walk as it has two legs that support the rungs and assist us in climbing, but ladders cannot walk as they are inanimate objects.
Other possible answers include: a chair, stool, bench, a table, a pair of pants, a race.
And There You Have It
It can be fun to gather and tell jokes and riddles when you are traveling. Whether you are making new friends or spending time with your most cherished favorite, it can be fun to bust out some new jokes. From time to time I may share a couple here on the site.
I recently shared a bunch of questions you could ask on a road trip or next adventure. It’s over 850 questions at this point. I will add more as I think of them.
Hopefully, you found more here than just the answer to that one riddle here. Check out that questions article below. Cheers!
Check out these articles before your next trip:
843 Funny, Insightful and Silly Road Trip Questions!
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